Hexo Theme Clean Document

Hexo 2020-04-29 1.4k

This is a theme base on Hexo Clean Blog Theme, and modfy for more feature and coding style.

Get theme source on github


  • Cover image for posts and pages
  • Post toc
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • MathJax support
  • Bootstrap Alert, Card and Label support
  • Responsive Images, table and codeblock
  • Light Gallery support
  • Disqus and Gitalk
  • Google Analytics, Busuanzi Statistics and Word counts support
  • Tags, Categories and About support
  • Pin post at home page support
  • Hexo local search


  • Clone into your hexo blog directory
$ git clone https://github.com/luswdev/hexo-theme-clean.git themes/clean

Then update your blog’s main _config.yml to set the theme to clean:

# Extensions
## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/
theme: clean


Top Left Label#

The top left label is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. When clicked it will lead to the Home Page.

# Title on top left of menu. Leave empty to use main blog title
menu_title: Configurable Title

Home Page cover image#

The Home Page cover is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. It will be the same for all index type pages.

# URL of the Home page image
index_cover: /img/home-bg.jpg

Favicon image#

The favicon is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Set your own favicon
favicon: /img/favicon.png

Start Year#

This will set archives page button group starting year, if not set, it will start at current year.
Also is footer copyright start year, too.

# Site start year
# Default with current year

Google Analytics#

The Google Analytics Tracking ID is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. It allow us to learn about blog visitors.

# Google Analytics Tracking ID


The Busuanzi is configured in the theme’s _config.yml. It can record site traffic and visitors count.

# Busuanzi Statistics
enable: false
cdn: //busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi/2.3/busuanzi.pure.mini.js
site_views: false
site_visitors: false
post_views: false

Social Account#

Setup the links to your social pages in the theme’s _config.yml. Links are in the footer.

github_url: https://github.com/luswdev/hexo-theme-clean

New Tags page#

Follow these steps to add a tags page that contains all the tags in your site.

  • Create a page named tags
$ hexo new page "tags"
  • Edit the newly created page and set page type to tags in the front matter.
title: All tags
type: "tags"
  • Add tags to the menu in the theme _config.yml:
Home: /
Tags: /tags

Categories page#

Follow these steps to add a categories page that contains all the categories in your site.

  • Create a page named categories
$ hexo new page "categories"
  • Edit the newly created page and set page type to categories in the front matter.
title: All categories
type: "categories"
  • Add Categories to the menu in the theme _config.yml:
Home: /
Categories: /categories

New About page#

Follow these steps to add a about page that can write some information about you.

  • Create a page named about
$ hexo new page "about"
  • Edit the newly created page and set page type to about in the front matter.
title: About
type: "about"
  • Add About to the menu in the theme _config.yml:
Home: /
About: /about


Default post title#

The default post title (used when no title is specified) is configured in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Default post title
default_post_title: Untitled

Post word count#

The post word count can show a post’s word count and read time, you need to install plugin:

npm i --save hexo-wordcount

And configured in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Post meta
word_count: true
read_time: false

Post’s Excerpt#

This theme does not support traditional excerpts. To show excerpts on the index page, use subtitle in the front-matter:

title: Post title
date: 2007-08-05 07:08:05
tags: tags
subtitle: Standard Excerpts are not supported in Clean Blog but you can use subtitles in the front matter to display text in the index.

Post’s Cover Image#

By default, posts will use the home page cover image. You can specify a custom cover in the front-matter:

title: Post title
date: 2007-08-05 07:08:05
tags: tags
cover: /assets/contact-bg.jpg


The post’s author is specified in the posts front-matter:

title: Post title
date: 2007-08-05 07:08:05
tags: tags
author: Klug Jo


We implement TOC and back to top on the TOC menu, which is a dropup menu on the bottom right. Enable it in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Enable post toc
toc: true

Card Tag#

You can insert a bs card by using tags, just write something like this:

{% card %}
I am a card.
{% endcard %}

I am a card.

Card header#

Also you can put some title into header, just write something like this:

{% card %}
<!-- header -->
I am header.
<!-- endheader -->
I am a card.
{% endcard %}

I am header.

I am a card.

Also you can put some words into footer, just write something like this:

{% card %}
I am a card.
<!-- footer -->
I am footer.
<!-- endfooter -->
{% endcard %}

I am a card.

Card style#

There have 8 style for card, we have:

  • primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark.

Just put classes into tag like this:

{% card success %}
I am success!
{% endcard %}

I am success!

You can see all style in Bootstrap doc.

Alert Tag#

You can insert a bs alert by using tags, just write something like this:

{% alert %}
I am a alert
{% endalert %}

I am a alert

Alert style#

There have 8 style for alert, we have:

  • primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark.

Just put classes into tag like this:

{% alert success %}
I am success!
{% endalert %}

I am success!

You can see all style in Bootstrap doc.

Badge Tag#

You can insert a bs badge by using tags, just write something like this:

{% badge @new! %}

Badge style#

There have 8 style for badge, we have:

  • primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark.

Just put classes into tag like this:

{% badge success @success! %}

You can see all style in Bootstrap doc.

Detail Tag#

We impliment html detail tag into hexo, just write something like this:

{% spoiler %}
Something more information at here!
{% endspoiler %}

Something more information at here!

Detail Title#

You can replace Details title to special you want, just write something like this:

{% spoiler Click Me %}
Something more information at here!
{% endspoiler %}
Click Me

Something more information at here!


You can write LaTeX code in Markdown file and render on post. Just enable in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Enable post mathjax
enable: true

And set mathjax to true in the posts front-matter:

title: Post title
date: 2007-08-05 07:08:05
tags: tags
mathjax: true

And so on, you can now write inline LaTeX in post like this:

$(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$

$(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$

Or write a LaTeX block in post like this:

(a + b)^2 &=& a^2 + 2ab + b^2 \\\\
(a - b)^2 &=& a^2 - 2ab + b^2

(a + b)^2 &=& a^2 + 2ab + b^2 \\
(a - b)^2 &=& a^2 - 2ab + b^2

For more information, you can see MathJax Doc.


The comments provider is specified in the theme’s _config.yml.

# Comments. Choose one by filling up the information
# Disqus comments
enable: false
# Gitalk
enable: false

You can too hide the comment in the posts front-matter:

title: Post title
date: 2007-08-05 07:08:05
tags: tags
comment: false

Post Font-matter#

This is all font-matter you can use.

Setting Description Default
title Title Filename (posts only)
subtitle Sub Title -
date Published date File created date
tags Post tags -
category Post category -
mathjax Use mathjax or not false
comment Show comment field or not true
cover Use special header cover -
pin Pin this post on home page false


You can modify your blog yourself by writing custom.styl, it location at

`-- source
`-- css
`-- _custom
`-- custom.styl


This theme was created by Blackrock Digital, adapted for Hexo by Jonathan Klughertz and modfy by LuSkywalker


  • V1.0.0
    • Base fuction support.
